Recognised Campaigns

Recognised Campaigns

Our Recognised Campaigns are designed to facilitate connection and moments of recognition between communities of people. Each campaign has three components to it:


Our social media campaigns are the heart of each recognition campaign and are designed to cultivate moments of recognition between people when they need it most. The campaign causes determines the theme (such as Mental Health) and people are invited to tag people on our campaign post they want to recognise and share a reason why.

Every nomination represents one person recognised and a moment of connection between two people. Additionally, a select number of people (between 100 and 500) will be chosen to receive a thoughtful gift and recognition card with encouragement on through the post. Each gift has been carefully chosen with the theme in mind to maximise the feeling of recognition experienced by the receiver.

Each campaign is led by a celebrity ambassador which involves them endorsing the campaign and sharing what the campaign theme means to them, encouraging nominations, sharing our content on their social media and participating in a live podcast conversation at the campaign event . All in all, resulting in an even wider reach and increased impact.


A recognition event will take place during each campaign, convening people with shared experiences around the cause we are recognising and facilitating an evening of conversations and connection. Every person who is nominated in the campaign will have the opportunity to win tickets to these intimate events and meet the campaign celebrity ambassador. These events will be beautifully curated to honour and value each guest we have in the room and be a special opportunity to show our guests the power of recognition in action.

The Podcast

At our Recognised events, a live podcast conversation will take place between Anneka Wallington (Founder of Recognised) and the campaign celebrity ambassador, discussing the topic of the campaign. These conversations are designed to educate people around the chosen cause and provide inspiring information on how they can recognise loved ones in their own life who may be affected by the issues discussed. Furthermore these conversations will give language to the shared experiences that many people face, helping to break down stigma and shame, bring encouragement and inspiration to those listening and foster moments of connection as people feel recognised. The live recording of this will be made available following the event, providing an opportunity for wider circulation and impact.